Wednesday, May 16, 2012

For you guys.


/accept <player>Accept someone's teleport requestCommandBin.accept
/addxp <player> <xp>Add an amount of XP to a playerCommandBin.addxp
/afkSet your player to AFKCommandBin.afk
/ask <player>Ask for someone to teleport you to themCommandBin.ask
/backTeleport to your previous locationCommandBin.back
/blind <player>Block somebodys viewCommandBin.blind
/block <player>Block a player from placing blocksCommandBin.block
/boltShoots a bolt of lightning where you are lookingCommandBin.bolt
/broadcast <message>Broadcast a message to all playersCommandBin.broadcast
/chunkReload a chunk your standing inCommandBin.chunk
/clearClear your inventoryCommandBin.clear
/createworld <world>Create a brand new worldCommandBin.createworld
/creativeSet your gamemode to creativeCommandBin.creative
/deny <player>Deny a players tp requestCommandBin.deny
/disablehardcoreDisables hardcore mode from taking placeCommandBin.disablehardcore
/drunk <player>Make someone dizzyCommandBin.drunk
/enablehardcore <world to enable hardcore mode> <world to teleport to on death>Hardcore Mode for the ServerCommandBin.enablehardcore
/explode <player>Create an explosion at someones locationCommandBin.explode
/explosionbowShoot a arrow with this enabled.CommandBin.explosionbow
/feedFeed yourselfCommandBin.feed
/freeze <player>Stop a player movingCommandBin.freeze
/fsay <player> <message>Pretend to speak/use commands as someoneCommandBin.fsay
/getxp <player>Gets the amount of XP a player hasCommandBin.getxp
/gmChange your or someone elses gamemode
/gmo <player>Change someone elses
/godEnable godmode for yourselfCommandBin.god
/growtreeGrows a jungle tree where you are standingCommandBin.growtree
/handicap <player>Stop a player from using commandsCommandBin.handicap
/healHeal your heartsCommandBin.heal
/homeTeleport homeCommandBin.home
/ip <player>Get the IP of a playerCommandBin.ip
/isvanished <player>Check to see if a player is invisibleCommandBin.isvanished
/joinSend a fake join messageCommandBin.join
/killKill yourselfCommandBin.kill
/leaveSend a fake leave messageCommandBin.leave
/lockLock the server, prevent placing and breaking blocksCommandBin.lock
/mhome <home>Teleport to your multihomeCommandBin.mhome
/msethome <home>Set your multihomeCommandBin.msethome
/msg <player> <message>Message a playerCommandBin.msg
/mute <player>Stop a player from talkingCommandBin.mute
/nick <nickname>Change your nicknameCommandBin.nick
/potion <player> <potion> <time>Give a player a potionCommandBin.potion
/put <player>Put a player where your facingCommandBin.put
/ramGet the current amount of ramCommandBin.ram
/realname <player>Get the real name of a playerCommandBin.realname
/sethomeSet your homeCommandBin.sethome
/setlevel <player> <level>Sets a players XP levelCommandBin.setlevel
/setspawnSet the current world spawnCommandBin.setspawn
/setwarp <warp>Set a warp locationCommandBin.setwarp
/setxp <player> <xp>Sets a players XP amountCommandBin.setxp
/shoot <player>Shoot a player high into the airCommandBin.shoot
/slap <player>Slap a player in the faceCommandBin.slap
/spawnTeleport to your world spawnCommandBin.spawn
/strike <player>Strike a player with a bolt of lightningCommandBin.strike
/sudo <command>Run a command as consoleCommandBin.sudo
/survivalSwitch your gamemode to survivalCommandBin.survival
/tentMakes a tent around where you areCommandBin.tent
/thorPlace an explosion where your facingCommandBin.thor
/time <day/night>Change the world timeCommandBin.time
/tp2p <player> <player>Teleport one player to anotherCommandBin.tp2p
/tpallTeleport all players to youCommandBin.tpall
/tp <player>Teleport to a
/tp <player> <player>Teleport one player to
/tphere <player>Teleport a player to youCommandBin.tphere
/tphome <player>Teleport to someone elses home, it will put you in the void if they do not have a void so be carefulCommandBin.tphome
/tpworld <world>Teleport to a loaded worldCommandBin.tpworld
/unblock <player>Reallow a player to place/break blocksCommandBin.unblock
/unfreeze <player>Unfreeze a player and re-allow to moveCommandBin.unfreeze
/unhandicap <player>Reallow a player to use commandsCommandBin.unhandicap
/unloadworld <world>Unload a world from the serverCommandBin.unloadworld
/unlockUnlock the serverCommandBin.unlock
/unmute <player>Unmute a playerCommandBin.unmute
/vanishTurn you invisible/visibleCommandBin.vanish
/warp <warp>Teleport to a warpCommandBin.warp
/weather <sun/rain>Change the
/bold <message>Write a message in boldCommandBin.bold
/italic <message>Write a message in italicCommandBin.italic
/strikethrough <message>Write a message strikedCommandBin.strikethrough
/underline <message>Write a underlined messageCommandBin.underline
/commandbin <version,update,credits>Display some CommandBin info
/commandbin updateUpdate your CommandBin directlyCommandBin.commandbin.update
/killallKills all players on your serverCommandBin.killall
/sky <player>Sends the player to the
/void <player>Sends a player to the voidCommandBin.void
tpc <x> <y> <z>Teleport to co-ordinatesCommandBin.tpc
/item <material> <amount>Give yourself an itemCommandBin.item
/spawnmob <mob> <amount>Spawn in a monsterCommandBin.spawnmob
/troll <player>Starts to rain unpickable diamonds above a players headCommandBin.troll
/hole <player>Makes a player fall down a large hole with lava at the bottomCommandBin.hole
Builder (you guys)
/tp, /sethome, /home, /time <day,night>, /feed, /tphere, /tpworld, /tp2p, /tp (others), /put, /weather (sun,rain,thunder) That's all.
Of course I have everything if you have requested ask me later somewhere.